The science behind setting your preferences & liking bagels
A note from Steve Pollock, Chief Product Officer at Coffee Meets Bagel
I’ve had success meeting a long-term partner on a dating app. And while my last relationship didn’t work out because, well, life happens — it was an incredibly fulfilling relationship. And another bright side: My experience with dating apps led me to meet Arum and Dawoon Kang, co-founders of Coffee Meets Bagel.
I’m Steve, the chief product officer at CMB. Like you, I’m actively dating and using apps, but now I have an inside view. My goal is to make you successful — and help you achieve your relationship goals.
I’ve interviewed lots of online daters, and work closely with our product development and data science team. The data science is the part that’s responsible for matching you with compatible “bagels” on the app. Naturally, I’ve seen many of our success stories, face-to-face and in the data — I’ve been studying relationship dynamics for a long time.
I truly believe that, with the right know-how, and yes, real effort, you can find a meaningful relationship on CMB. Here’s how to make Coffee Meets Bagel work for you.
Setting your preferences
First, you’ll need to refine your profile with frame-worthy pics and details (Don’t worry, we’ll give you plenty of tips on this in the coming days.) Then, it’s time to set your Preferences and check out your bagels. But before you start, let’s talk about just how powerful those Preferences can be.
Preferences vs. dealbreakers
When I first started using dating apps, I thought that getting ultra-specific about what kind of people I wanted to see was a no-brainer. That way, I’d get only quality matches, right? But as it turns out, being too specific about your Preferences may actually lower the quality of the bagels you receive. That’s all due to our algorithm!
How does the CMB algorithm work?
Our algorithm categorizes your set Preferences as “must-haves” in Suggested. Later, the algorithm will use additional info, such as your interests, social circles, education levels, and more, to make educated choices about your best bagels.
But because it considers those Preferences as dealbreakers, this means our algorithm won’t suggest anyone who is even slightly outside of those guidelines. For example, if there’s someone attractive nearby who shares your interests, but they’re just one year older than the age limit you set, our algorithm can’t consider them as a potential match.
In short: too many specific criteria → smaller pool of bagels for the algorithm to work with → fewer quality matches.
So while you definitely shouldn’t lower your standards or compromise your values when it comes to finding a partner, make sure they’re an absolute must for you — not just a “nice to have.”
Getting those bagels
The hard work’s done! Now, it’s just time to sit back and like or pass on my bagels…right? Not so fast. While you can start matching right away, there’s actually a science to browsing bagels.
Focus on matches who matter
If you’re used to swipe-based dating apps, it may be tempting to “like” any and everyone just to see if they like you back. But at Coffee Meets Bagel, we want our daters to be more intentional about dating. Remember how we mentioned we send you a batch of potential matches picked just for you every day at noon?
This approach means you’ll be meeting daters looking for a serious relationship (just like you!). So be thoughtful. Take your time looking at each profile and only tap “💜” if a bagel has you feeling some kind of way.
And if the connection just isn’t there? Don’t feel bad about passing — it’s much better than matching and then ghosting.
Give “maybe bagels” a chance
When I observe data concerning liking or passing on bagels, I’m often surprised to find daters have the total opposite issue of the one above; they pass on everyone.
While it’s great to know exactly what you’re looking for, I recommend giving “maybe bagels” a shot. As you know from building your own profile, it’s hard to self-promote! The bagel’s profile may not tell their story well.
Could be interested in a bagel, but not 100% sure? Like them. Hey, they look cute in their first photo…but not feeling the second? Like them. See where it takes you — it could take you on a really memorable date! Tapping “like” doesn’t mean you’re in love.
And chatting with someone doesn’t mean you’re obligated to meet IRL. Not every match you chat with will turn into a date, and that’s OK. Liking a bagel just means you’re interested enough to give them a chance!
How Premium can help
Lastly, I want to put in a good word for our CMB Premium package. OK, so I know it may look a little…self-serving. I get it. But since I get a glimpse into the backend data, I can genuinely say that Premium really is the fastest way to get more quality connections. In fact, on average, Premium subscribers connect up to 2x as often as non-subscribers.
Here’s a sneak peek at what CMB Premium includes:
Bonus bagels: Get extra profiles in Suggested every day at noon.
See all your likes: Why wait? Unblur all your likes and match instantly.
8 flowers a month: Send a virtual bouquet to stand out and be seen sooner.
Monthly profile Boost: Get up to 5x the views, plus likes that get shown sooner!
And more, like access to Read Receipts, Activity Reports, and Unlimited Rewinds.
The next steps
Double-check that your set Preferences are deal-breakers for you. To edit your Preferences, tap your “profile” icon. On iOS, tap on “Preferences for Suggested.” On Android, tap on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner. Navigate to the Preferences tab to select them.
Ready to try out a subscription? Head to the Bean Shop to see our latest subscription offerings and tap “Upgrade now.”
You’re all set! Whether you try our Premium or just stick to your new liking routine, I hope you feel empowered to make your best connections on CMB.